Totally Truthful Thursday

Hi, beautiful people! It’s Thursday! Is it just me or is this week slow-city or what? I feel like the days are dragging. Maybe because I spent 6 hours in the media lab yesterday working on a group project. I won’t get into it – let’s just say I’m just ready for Friday! My day started off with a quick 3-mile run and a bowl of oats (with chia seeds, for the win).


I read a lot of blogs and I’ve seen “the comparison trap” mentioned several times in the past few weeks. Bloggers are talking about comparing themselves to the seemingly perfect lives, bodies and relationships of fellow bloggers. Oh, you can bet that I’m privy to it! I certainly find myself reading my favorite blogs and thinking “I’m not as pretty as her” or “Her life is alway so fun.” But then I stop and think about it.

No blogger is going to post the “first take” of any photo when she realizes it’s from a bad angle (thank God for digital cameras!) No blogger is going to write about the monumental fight she and her spouse had the previous night. No blogger is going to write about how fat she felt when her skirt was a little too tight this morning (been there.) No blogger is going to write about her mundane day of sitting at her desk job and eating hard candy like it was going out of style.

So I’m going to implement Totally Truthful Thursday, just to take a minute and let down the sparkly curtain of Things Are Always Perfect

  • When my alarm went off this morning, I immediately cursed.
  • Running for 30 minutes on the treadmill was difficult.
  • Yesterday morning, I tried on 10 outfits because I felt like everything fit me wrong.
  • Yesterday I wondered why I didn’t just get a job after graduating.
  • Today, I have a nasty sinus headache and I don’t want to go to work.

I have a great life, and I’m an overall positive person.

I like to share the happy things on my blog, but I also think it’s important to highlight the fact that parts of life are boring or confusing. Stressful or frustrating. So, if you’re out there and you’re stuck in the comparison trap, cut yourself loose. I can assure you that everyone has “blah” days, they’re just not fun to post about, that’s all.

My “blah” face, ladies and gentlemen 😉

Be happy about the good things in your life. Be thankful for the exciting times you’ve had – and are going to have. Be easy on yourself; it’s normal to feel angry, pissed off, overwhelmed or anxious.

I read a saying once that was something along the lines of: When you compare yourself to the girl in front of you, you fail to notice the girl behind you that’s comparing herself to you. Go ahead, take a look behind you sometime. You’ve got it goin’ on 🙂

Brag to me! Tell me about something good that’s happening in your life! Even though it’s been the biggest pain in my ass, in two weeks, I’ll have my first year of grad school under my belt!

53 Comments on “Totally Truthful Thursday”

  1. Cait says:

    aw my pretty friend dont be sad. you’re too pretty! but i def know the feeling (obviously my posts last week were the same ha) i did my workout and felt blah too- hmm something good happening in my life is that i’m doing the March for Babies on Sunday with fabulous family members and the boyfriend 🙂 cant wait to share pictures! xo

  2. dressed2dish says:

    I totally get the comparison trap! Since me and cush are “stuck inside” pretty much for 2 weeks I was like great – these will be some boring posts. But in reality I’m loving every minute of it, we’ve been pulling out the board games, cards, and recipes – all in an effort to not go outside and get wet! Here’s a true comparison trap – your ‘blah face’ looks way cuter than mine haha 🙂

  3. tknologlvr says:

    Ahh, refreshing post. Thanks for reminding us all it’s okay to have an off day (and that we all do)!
    I am proud that I am completing another perfect attendance year, but it’s definitely been a PITA!

  4. Great post 🙂 I have so many things to be thankful for in my life right now! Work, friends, family, all of it!

  5. Jamie says:

    I’m getting married in 19 days!!!! That’s good, right? 🙂 Great job on grad school… keep it going!

  6. applesnoats says:

    I LOVE THIS! such an amazing post. as a newbie to the blogging world I was really nervous to even start a blog becase it seemed like everyone perfect except me, but you hit the ail on the head. right now i’m thankful for my life and everything in it!

  7. Michelle says:

    You’re awesome. No joke. I love this post.

    I do this too much…and it’s so stupid! It’s hard to enjoy life when it’s full of “if onlys”. I’m working really hard to stop comparing as soon as I feel myself starting to.

    Lately I’m super thankful for my strong relationship with my mom. She’s been helping me look at some frustrating things in a more positive light.

  8. Honestly, since I’ve joined the blog world (pretty recently), I think I’ve become more positive about food and fitness in general.

    One really great thing in my life: my fiance’. I really can’t believe I found someone who I compliments me so perfectly and treats me so well. I smile everytime I think about marrying him!

  9. You’re so right about this. I feel like blogging is kind of like reality television. You don’t always see the full truth!

  10. I love this idea! I think every blogger should implement it! And you are so pretty!!! So, something good in my life is that I am finally settling into my new role, apt, and city, and loving it! 🙂 Have a good one!!!

  11. I think one of the most positive things for me is starting to blog. I have found it to be a great hobby and really fun to start learning about and getting to know other bloggers.

    I think its only natural to compare ourselves to others, as long as it is not obsessively.

    Like the other day I was driving home from the gym and started getting really bad road rage, (nothing crazy, just anxiety and loud cursing to myself). I said asked myself. “Is this normal? I bet other bloggers don’t have road rage. They all seem so calm and put together”

    I think this kind of comparison isn’t negative and help me rationalize not to be a crazy person! hehe

  12. Beautiful and insightful post! Thank you. You’re a beautiful person! The day before yesterday I was just writing on my blog about how we’re all born inherently perfect and there’s no need to change ourselves or try to become “better” because we’re all beautiful and perfect exactly the way we are!

  13. I agree about blogging. No one posts that picture that your hair looks awful. Your blog is awesome Colleen and I love how you know that inside and out.

  14. Loving this – “When you compare yourself to the girl in front of you, you fail to notice the girl behind you that’s comparing herself to you. Go ahead, take a look behind you sometime. You’ve got it goin’ on” !!!

    You’re right, blogging is all pick and choose what you want to share. Instead I can share with you that I too have been rolling around in bed wishing I didn’t have to get up and work out and also tried on 10 things because I didn’t like the fit!! You’re so intelligent lady 🙂


  15. Katy says:

    I love Truthful Thursday! It’s awesome! I find myself comparing to other bloggers all the time! You’re right in that while we aren’t ‘lying’ on our blogs, they definitely do show the best face. 🙂

    • Colleen says:

      Of course we do! And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to promote our best self – I think it’s just important to remember that no one’s perfect – and that’s a good thing! 🙂

  16. Stefanie says:

    Colleen! Love the post and I think it’s so truthful. Something good for me: Last night ACE (the org I advise) celebrated a years worth of success 🙂 You are beautiful… and I only walked this morning so you got me beat on that one 🙂

    • Colleen says:

      Congratulations on all the good things ACE accomplished this past year! I know it was probably a million things since you’re the advisor 🙂 Hey, walking is wonderful! It’s so nice out today, and that’s all I want to do – go outside and walk around! Miss you! 🙂

  17. Sometimes I wish bloggers WOULD talk about the negative things going on, including myself. I try to be a positive person and not to complain because I can get caught in a trap but I wonder if I come off sounding SO happy-go-lucky and corny. Love truthful Thursday!

  18. Love this! Sometimes it feels really good to post gripes or not feeling 100%! On the flip side, I’m so excited to be going home this weekend to visit friends and family!

  19. Lovely post! It really is important to remember that most bloggers only share the good stuff with us. Alrighty, a good thing for me?? My mom and I just got tickets to Glee Live!!!! As TOTAL Gleek I was pretty excited about this. Think jumping around and squealing excited, lol.

  20. Paige says:

    I love this idea! I definitely fall into the comparison trap and would love to see more bloggers talking more about the ups AND downs in their lives (myself included!). It would make them seem a bit more “real” to me.

  21. this is probably the best thing I’ve read all week. I think my totally truthful thursday sounds exactly like yours. what on earth possessed us to do grad school anyways?
    I am loving the quote about looking at the girl behind you

    • Colleen says:

      Thanks! I know, what the heck are we doing in grad school?! Let’s drop out and move some place tropical and forget about school and work 😉

  22. I hope you’ve never said “her life is so fun” about me. Because I’d laugh at you. 😉

    I think that with blogging, it’s hard to know what’s REALLY going on behind the scenes. It’s kind of like reality TV. We only let you see what we want to disclose!

    • Colleen says:

      It’s so true! Why wouldn’t we only disclose what we want people to know? I just think some people get caught up in the stuff that’s shared, and they fail to remember that everyone’s pretty normal, you know? It’s not like we’re all keeping dirty secrets, but everyday is not a happy exciting adventure. That’s the only point I’m trying to make 🙂

  23. Grace says:

    Love, love, love this! I feel like I am truthful about a lot of stuff actually, or I just complain a lot! My Aunt flew into town today and I am really excited to see her after work! We’re meeting at the Cheesecake Factory, I’m indulging, and then her and my little cousin are staying with me!

  24. The comparison trap is hard not to fall into and I’ll adit to falling to it a few times when I first started blogging..until I realized that what people put on the blog is only what they want you to see. So it may seem perfect, but there’s usually *something* not seen by the readers. Even if it’s just a huge pile of dirty dishes sitting in their sink or something like that.

  25. Liz says:

    I love your blog and I love this post! I get caught in the comparison trap WAY too often and I need to stop letting it get in the way of my posts.

    Anyway…I’m doing Relay For Life this weekend, which I always think is a lot of fun, so I’m looking forward to that 🙂 Happy Thursday!

  26. kristisn says:

    I finish my first year of college in a few weeks!

  27. I had actually contemplated deleting my blog because I thought every other blogger had a perfect life and mine was ridiculous and boring. Then I realized not everyone is that perfect and started reading other blogs that ARE real 🙂

  28. Ah, the comparison trap. I’m guilty. Too often, probably. I’m thankful for my family and my boyfriend..they are my rock during stressful times (like the end of the semester)!

  29. Ashley says:

    Like you I will be done with my first year of Grad School on April 29th and I have my summer and fall internships lined up!

  30. Love this! Bloggers should be more honest! I’m always thinking “be positive!” But people want to know the real you, too!

  31. Jenny says:

    Teehee you always have the silliest pictures, makes me giggle 😀 I do tend to fall into the comparison trap with the whole running thing. I don’t run so it’s kinda weird since most posts I can’t really put much input but it doesn’t bug me anymore. I’m special…er…different 😀

    • Colleen says:

      I’m not a runner either! I know how you feel about not being able to contribute to the conversation because it’s like “Oh, you ran a marathon today? Cool. I almost died after two miles on the treadmill.”

  32. Gwen says:

    Hey girl! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment today. Boy am I glad that I visited yours. You are a great writer and you make some really great points!!!

    I have been thinking about some of the things you said in this blog – but before you wrote it here. We are on the same wavelength!!

    One of the things I was thinking about was to write a post about fitness and self-criticsm. Basically, I thought I was “fat” in college. I wanted to post pictures of me on my college dance team looking like a rail – EW! I also wanted to post pictures of me after gaining 25+ pounds – EW! And, I wanted to talk about how I still wonder if I look fat in my FB profile pic, and it’s a picture from my wedding.

    Anyway, I have really been trying to keep it real in my posts. I want to tell my true story – about the things that have been difficult for me, how I’ve learned lessons the hard way. All that.

    Anyway, love your blog! Keep in touch! 🙂

  33. Brittany says:

    This is SO great 🙂 I love this idea– we should DEFINITELY implement it every week! Gosh comparisions. I’ve been comparing myself to other people for far too long! The only person i want to compare myself to, IS ME!!! I’m a nurse and i love that i can say that! Love you, ma’am!

  34. LOVE this!! I was just randomly thinking about it the other day, too; namely because sometimes I feel like I don’t blog enough about the things that make me upset or angry. I’m lucky in that when all is said and done and I sit down to blog – I’ve got a pretty good chance that whatever irked me earlier in the day isn’t even on my mind anymore, and out comes a happy-go-lucky bubbly post. But my day isn’t 100% bubble gum in the least. I think it being material that is open for anybody in the world to read, we’re a little more careful about what we put out there, too. (speaking for myself, at least!)
    Gahhh – I cannot wait for this semester to be over with!

  35. love this post…and your blah face 🙂

  36. owlmazing says:

    Hehe. I love your blah! face. I totally get what you mean…it’s hard not to fall into that trap sometimes. I always think…Their kitchen is way cleaner than mine! HA! And it’s so true… 🙂 but i don’t care. My messy kitchen means i spent more time studying today so it’s all a give and take.

  37. I flippin’ love your blog.. your posts are great and like Cait said, you’re too pretty to be blah! =) ..I have to say though.. I’m totally the blogger/tweeter that would/will/does keep it real, writing about the good, bad, & the ugly.. I should probably lay off the bad & the ugly though.. no one likes tantrums. =D

    I’m also Marching For Babies this weekend, but our event over here is on Saturday and I’m suuuper stoked to be part of it. First time ever!

  38. You make such a good point! Running half an hour with my dog this afternoon was more of a challenge than I’d like to admit….and I hate those mornings when no outfit seems right! It’s the worst start to a day. Good things? Let’s definitely talk about those 🙂 I registered for my first grad school classes this week and have a wine date with my best friend tomorrow night. Hope you have a great Friday!

  39. I have not been feeling like myself lately and have found myself very stuck in the comparison trap. I can’t seem to shake the feeling and can’t get back into my normal regular workout schedule. I feel like it’s this downward spiral that no matter how great of a work out I have I can’t seem to feel renewed. I need to re-evaluate. Thanks for sharing this inspiration today.

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